Be sure to check the Postings page for location of information added in 2025!
- The Tempo
There are two bills of lading dated September 1873 from one of Samuel’s first ships, the Tempo. It is headed for Havana with a cargo of lumber. The Library and Archives Canada website: Ship Registrations 1787-1966 includes under remarks: abandoned at sea, December 27, 1873.
Researching the name Tempo later I came across on item saying it had been wrecked in the Bay of Fundy in 1872. I ignored it, knowing it was not ‘my’ Tempo but another ship with the same name. I had come to understand that this was a common occurrence.
A week after Captain Scott’s Scrapbook was published, as I wandered the internet on a rainy day, I came across an article posted January 8th 2023, by Hannah Rudderham, a journalist with CBC: The Sea Wins: Shipwrecks of the Bay of Fundy, a book by Eric Allaby. I was able to contact him and asked ‘did he know anything about the Tempo?’
He did and very generously shared his information. It was ‘my’ (really Scott’s) Tempo. It had been caught in a Bay of Fundy gale and snow storm in December 1872. The ship was heavily damaged, but the crew was saved, the ship was repaired, and sailed again, only to be demasted and abandoned off Cape Hatteras in December 1873. The crew was saved and taken to New York by the Edith Rose.
Listed in the first crew is Wm E Scott, no doubt Samuel’s brother William Elliot, named for their father. According to Samuel’s obituary the 1873 crew included Leonard Pye Locke. In my imagined fictionalized version of Samuel’s story, instead of returning straight to Saint John, Samuel accompanies Leonard to Halifax and there meets the rest of the Locke family, including Leonard’s sister Eva. A short courtship follows and Samuel and Eva are married June 1, 1874.
2. Rick Ventrella and ‘Water’
While not discovered too late to add to Captain Scott’s Scrapbook mutinies, mining and mysteries, this is new information about the song ‘Water’ and the quote included in my book.
I started researching Captain Scott in 2020/21, found his obituary in the Astoria, OR newspapers and read about his tragic death in the Columbia River. In November 2022, when I was close to the final draft of the book, I returned to Eastern Ontario for a visit with friends. While chatting and getting updated my host handed me a CD with the comment ‘this is Rick’s new CD, here’s a copy for you, we (my host and other friends) are doing backup.’ Rick is a longtime friend, part of the Dundas County Players, where I was a member and enjoyed working in the sound booth. The CD Chapter 6 was recorded at Railroad Recording Company
When I returned home and played the CD ‘Chapter 6’, I was stopped still by the last track, #9, ‘Water’. It was a perfect background to my imagined video of Scott’s demise. How could Rick know about Scott? I had not discussed the book with anyone! I played the track again and again.
Rick had written ‘Water’ while participating in a workshop held by ’A Bunch of People’, (Arts and Events) in Chesterville ON in 2019, (you can find them on Facebook). Before I had even started discovering Captain Scott! The group was given a word, ‘‘water’, and two hours to write a song. I was thrilled to have Rick’s permission to quote his song in the book and to hear his voice in the ‘teaser trailer’ produced by Friesen Press. You can hear the full version of ‘Water’ at:
While not discovered too late to add to Captain Scott’s Scrapbook mutinies, mining and mysteries, this is new information about the song ‘Water’ and the quote included in my book.
I started researching Captain Scott in 2020/21, found his obituary in the Astoria, OR newspapers and read about his tragic death in the Columbia River. In November 2022, when I was close to the final draft of the book, I returned to Eastern Ontario for a visit with friends. While chatting and getting updated my host handed me a CD with the comment ‘this is Rick’s new CD, here’s a copy for you, we (my host and other friends) are doing backup.’ Rick is a longtime friend, part of the Dundas County Players, where I was a member and enjoyed working in the sound booth. The CD Chapter 6 was recorded at Railroad Recording Company
When I returned home and played the CD ‘Chapter 6’, I was stopped still by the last track, #9, ‘Water’. It was a perfect background to my imagined video of Scott’s demise. How could Rick know about Scott? I had not discussed the book with anyone! I played the track again and again.
Rick had written ‘Water’ while participating in a workshop held by ’A Bunch of People’, (Arts and Events) in Chesterville ON in 2019, (you can find them on Facebook). Before I had even started discovering Captain Scott! The group was given a word, ‘‘water’, and two hours to write a song. I was thrilled to have Rick’s permission to quote his song in the book and to hear his voice in the ‘teaser trailer’ produced by Friesen Press. You can hear the full version of ‘Water’ at:
#12 A new look to the Captain's Website
If you have looked at this website previously, you will notice that it has been ‘restructured’. The Home page – where you can post comments that will be redirected to [email protected]; two sections: the Scott Family page and the Locke Family page with postings #1 - #11 from the New Information. New Information will have more general information and direct you to the new postings concerning the Scott and Locke Families.
Hopefully this will make it easier for viewers to find family information more easily and maybe I will hear from other relatives within the Locke and Scott families. It is frustrating not to know how to use ‘tags’ and how they work. Can anyone tell me: how should I tag ‘Leonard Pye Locke’ on the Captain’s website? I would like to bring more attention to the connection between the Locke and Scott families, especially as I move to add more about Leonard ‘before the Sophia’.
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